2019 Advent Art Walking the Road with Jesus

I will make a way in the wilderness. Isaiah 43:19

This year’s liturgical art for Advent emerged from TPC’s yearlong book study of Brian McLaren’s We Make the Road by Walking. As we’ve listened to, pondered and discussed what it means to be alive in the adventure of Jesus today, an image arose of God’s people walking with the Holy Family along a winding road in the desert wilderness. A fabric banner in desert and mountain colors depicts the light of Jesus showing the way under a star lit sky and hangs from the rafters high. The sanctuary Christmas tree and new Advent wreath stand are arrayed with hand-crafted ornaments made from objects found on a nature walk, and a new quilted Advent runner graces the Lord’s table. May these images help us connect the ancient stories to our contemporary lives and re-imagine what it means to be followers walking the road with Jesus today.

                                                         Patricia M. Jackson, Liturgical Artist

                                                                         Barbara Heinfelden, Quilter


The author Brian McLaren writes, To be alive in the adventure of Jesus is to have a desire, a dream, a hope for the future…so let us begin this Advent season by lighting a candle for the prophets who proclaimed their hopes, desires and dreams…for Mary…for grieving mothers who weep…for the children who suffer in our world…for all who are marginalized, dispossessed, vulnerable, hungry, thirsty, desperate to know they are not forgotten. Let us join them in their vigil of hope – waiting for good news of great joy for all people, all people, all people. Amen.