Towson Presbyterian Church strives to grow disciples of Jesus Christ. But we share up front we don’t have this down pat. So we strive to do away with facades and pretenses in order to get our hands dirty practicing this thing called “faith.” As we do, we find ourselves growing closer to God and closer to others. This growth is a natural part of living in relationship with God, but it's also an inherent part of our church. We don’t like sitting on our hands. There’s always more we can be doing to know God and live love better.

God loves all. Period. At TPC, everyone is valued. Think we don’t mean you? Think again!
Within our community of faith you’ll find those who "seem" to have their acts together and those who don’t. Those who’ve had faith their whole lives and those who’re just beginning to uncover the love of Jesus. Those who’ve always been “in” and those who’ve constantly been pushed away.
Young, old, gay, straight, black, white, rich, poor, sinners, saints... all are invited! We simply don’t believe in dividing walls because God. Loves. All. (including you)!
TPC is also a proud member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, striving for a fully inclusive congregation.
We don’t just read the Bible and say that’s that. We want to explore how the story of God’s love in Scripture can shape the way we see and live in the world.
So we wrestle with Scripture, asking tough questions about tough issues as we strive to view all of life (not just bits and pieces) through the lens of God’s love.

It’s so much more than sympathy. Compassion is love in action. It’s understanding there can’t be peace and joy for me until there’s peace and joy for you.
At TPC, we practice loving those in need with intentional acts of compassion—whether we know them or not.
We admit it. While it's always worth it, discipleship isn't always easy.
It takes practice.
And it requires courage to live differently in this world—lovingly, forgivingly, peacefully, generously.