Camp BeeTree 2024:

About Camp BeeTree
Every summer, Towson Presbyterian Church offers a weeklong Christian day camp at BeeTree Preserve in Parkton, MD. For five days, Campers (K–5th Graders), Counselors-in-Training (6th–12th Graders), and adult volunteers, explore nature, build friendships, sing and dance, and make crafts, all while learning about God's unconditional love for them.
Our faith community strives to be inclusive, curious, compassionate, and courageous, and we pray that these values are on full display at Camp BeeTree each year! It is our hope that everyone involved experiences God's presence in a tangible way, even after camp week comes to a close.
Campers (K–5th Grade)
8:15am–3:15pm || $300/wk per Child
8:15am–5:00pm || $400/wk per Child
8:15am–3:15pm || $325/wk per Child
8:15am–5:00pm || $425/wk per Child

CITs (6th–12th Grade)
Middle and high school students play an important role at Camp BeeTree as Counselors-in-Training. Each day, they assist adult leaders, support younger Campers, facilitate activities, and go to a special midday gathering for CITs only.
CITs must be good role models for our Campers, so we first require them to complete an application. Only after their application is accepted can they continue with the registration process.
Community service credit hours are available.
Regardless of whether they're a church member or non-church member, or whether they're staying from 8:15am–3:15pm or 8:15am–5:00pm, the cost is $150/wk per CIT.
Adult Leaders
Camp BeeTree is run entirely by volunteers. Parents especially are encouraged to volunteer, either on-site or in the weeks prior to camp. Help is needed to purchase supplies, prepare food and materials, supervise activities, and lead the different age groups. Please consider how you can contribute your time or talent to make Camp BeeTree a success this summer.
Adult volunteers are carefully screened by church leadership using an application form, background check, multiple reference checks, and face-to-face interview. Additionally, the prospective volunteer must be an active participant in our church community for at least six months prior to applying to work with children or youth.

Daily Schedule
8:15am – Campers and CITs are dropped off at Towson Presbyterian Church for morning activities.
9:15am – Campers, CITs, and Counselors ride a school bus from Towson to Parkton, MD.
9:45am – Campers, etc. arrive at BeeTree Preserve.
2:30pm – Campers, etc. ride bus back to Towson after a long day of fun!
3:15pm – Buses arrive back at Towson Presbyterian Church and Campers are supervised until released to authorized adults only.
5:00pm – Aftercare ends for all extended-day Campers; pickup from Thompson Hall.