Called to be “peacemakers,” at TPC we understand our call to help bring about a more just society. So while we recognize that good and faithful folks can disagree on all sorts of issues, we still explore them openly and honestly, looking for how the Spirit may be calling us invest ourselves in helping to heal areas of society’s brokenness. Ignoring society’s problems will only help them grow—we are called to engage and invest.
Called to be “peacemakers,” at TPC we understand our call to help bring about a more just society. While we recognize that good and faithful folks can disagree on all sorts of issues, we still explore them openly and honestly, looking for how the Spirit may be calling us invest ourselves in helping to heal areas of society’s brokenness. Ignoring society’s problems will only help them grow—we are called to engage and invest.
Recommended Reading:
- Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates