Updated Regathering Plan

Updated Regathering Plan – July 1, 2021

Almost All Restrictions are Lifted


With thanks to God (and thanks for the service and determination of public health and civic servants), tremendous progress has been made in the fight against Covid.

While the disease still certainly presents dangers and those not yet (or able to be) vaccinated are encouraged to continue taking precautions, our area (Baltimore County) currently has less than a 1% positive infection rate (https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/individual-states/maryland), and an average of one new case of Covid per 100k  (https://globalepidemics.org/key-metrics-for-covid-suppression).

At their June meeting, TPC’s Session joyfully approved fully opening Towson Presbyterian Church, while lifting almost all restrictions.  This means:

  • The facility is now available in its entirety for ministry use.
    • Communal sharing of food remains limited to outside.
  • Worshippers do not need to pre-register for the 10 a.m. service, as the 50-person cap has been eliminated.
  • Masks are now optional indoors, except for the sanctuary.

We understand the frustration some feel amid the request to continue masking in the sanctuary.  Please know how deeply we appreciate your grace.  As previously shared, the sanctuary’s ventilation system is still in significant need of renovation.  We fully anticipate masks will become entirely optional in the sanctuary as soon as the HVAC renovation is completed later this summer.

We also understand that some do not yet feel comfortable gathering in larger or indoor groups.  Please do not feel pressure to participate in a way that is not comfortable to you.

This variance of preference is why ministry leaders continue to be hard at work creating a “best of both” for each and all.  Those who desire in-person ministry can again engage in in-person ministry without (almost any) restriction; while those who prefer to engage in remote ministry can continue to do so fully.

  • Worship – TPC will continue to offer three worship options every Sunday:  9 a.m. outdoor; 10 a.m. in the sanctuary (with masks), and the livestream of the 10 a.m. service.
  • Children & Youth Ministries – Camp BeeTree is ready to roll the week of July 12.  The youth mission experience is set for the week of August 2.  And work is well underway for the upcoming programmatic year of children and youth ministry that will entail full, in-person church school, choirs, youth group, and additional opportunities for children and youth to engage in ministry beyond Sunday mornings (including remotely, if desired).
  • Music Ministry – Plans are well underway for a full programmatic year of music and choirs!.  Additionally, Stephen will be offering musical spiritual formation opportunities throughout the year, so keep you eye out!
  • Small Groups, Committees, Mission, & Boards – Groups (any size) can contact the church office to reserve a room at TPC (masks optional), just as groups can also continue utilizing video-conferencing (e.g. Zoom) to gather as desired.


Central to this evolution in our regathering, we continue to pursue the post-pandemic vision we introduced a month ago.  If you haven’t done so yet, please explore it here.


For a review of where we’ve been and -where we’re going, below is the Phases of TPC’s Regathering Plan

Phases of Regathering

**Session may discern then need to  move back to a previous phase depending upon pandemic conditions